1 Purpose
1.1 This procedure ensures that all complaints and appeals are acted upon and resolved immediately to the satisfaction of the appellant or complainant.

2 Scope
2.1 This procedure describes the PAB procedures in dealing with complaints and appeals.

3 Responsibility
3.1 The Director shall have the over-all responsibility to the complaints lodged and/or received by PAB.

3.2 The QMR shall ensure that all documentations related to the complaints are properly recorded.

4 Procedure
4.1 Only written complaints shall be entertained by any PAB personnel. If ever complaints are received thru phone call or verbal communications, the PAB personnel shall advise the complainant to write a formal complaint addressed to the Director.

4.2 The received complaints shall be forwarded to the Division Manager for review and evaluation on the validity of the complaint.

The Division Manager shall inform the concerned personnel of the complaint. An investigation shall be conducted by the concerned personnel.

Note: If the complaint is against the Director, the Division Manager shall refer it to the PAB Council. If the complaint is against or concerning an accredited CAB, the Division Manager shall inform the complainant that the CAB is responsible in addressing the complaint first. If no action was done on the part of the CAB, the complainant shall refer it to PAB.

4.3 If complaint is found to be valid, the concerned personnel shall accomplish a PAB/SF02 (Incident/Complaint Form). This includes the identified cause and the appropriate action to be made. He/she shall consider both the immediate and long term actions. The Division Manager shall assess the effectiveness of the action.

4.4 Once process is completed, the concerned personnel shall inform the complainant of the outcome of the investigation, may it be valid or invalid.

4.5 To ensure that complaint will not recur, the Division Manager shall follow-up the implementation of the corrective actions one (1) month after the closing of complaints.

4.6 Records of all complaints and investigation shall be filed accordingly.