1 Purpose
1.1 This procedure ensures that all appeals by CABs are acted upon and resolved immediately to the satisfaction of the appellant.

2 Scope
2.1 This procedure describes the PAB procedures in dealing with appeals of CABs.

3 Responsibility
3.1 The Appeals Committee, formed by the PAB Council, will handle all the appeals brought to the PAB, especially those related to PAB accreditation.

3.2 The QMR shall ensure that all documentations related to the complaints are properly recorded.

4 Procedure
4.1 The QMR shall document and process whenever appeals are received on:

a. PAB’s refusal to accept an application
b. Disagreement over assessment report
c. Non-acceptance of the scope of accreditation
d. Non-issuance of certificate of accreditation
e. Suspension or withdrawal for cause of the certificate of accreditation
4.2 When a CAB wishes to appeal against any decision of the PAB regarding its accreditation scheme, the appeal shall be submitted to the PAB Council in written form and addressed directly to the Council Chair.

4.3 In case of appeal against PAB decisions, the concerned appellant shall have 15 days to submit its appeal after officially informed of the decision.

4.4 All appeals should be supported by documents and shall have the following information:

a. Organization, name, address, contact numbers (e-mail address, telephone numbers, fax) of appellant
b. Details of the appeal
4.5 Upon receipt of appeal, the Council Chair shall form the Appeals Committee who shall review, investigate, and decide on the validity of the appeal. The Appeals Committee shall be independent of the subject of the appeal.

4.6 If applicable, an expert shall be invited in the hearing by the Appeals Committee. The Expert shall be an independent individual that has neither direct relation nor commercial interest with PAB and the appellant.

4.7 The Director shall direct the Division Manager or the Program Manager to act as secretariat during the Appeals Committee meeting.

4.8 The Appeals Committee meeting shall be attended by the appellant and all members of the Appeals Committee.

4.9 The Appeals Committee shall be provided with the following before the meeting:

a. Copy of the appeal
b. Documented evidences and other relevant documents as basis of decision
4.10 The proceedings of the meeting shall include the following:

a. Opportunity of both the appellant and the Director to present their case.
b. To hear an opinion from an expert in the field related to the appeal, if applicable.
4.11 The decision by the Appeals Committee shall be reached though consensus and shall be declared by the Appeals Committee Chairman as final.

4.12 Deferment of the proceeding or decision shall not be granted except under exceptional cases as may be determined by the Appeals Committee Chairman.

4.13 The final decision shall be transmitted to the appellant in letter form to be signed by the Chairman of the Appeals Committee. A copy of the decision shall be forwarded both to PAB and the appellant.

4.14 PAB shall take follow-up actions where required by the Appeals Committee.

4.15 All records of appeals, final decisions, and follow-up actions taken shall be kept accordingly.