SSF on Kimchi Production Established in Atok, Benguet

BENGUET PROVINCE — The DTI – Baguio Benguet Provincial Office launched the Shared Service Facility (SSF) on Kimchi Processing in Ja’pa, Topdac, Atok. This project is part of the tripartite synchronization plans of DTI, DAR, and DOST. Under the plan, the DAR will co-fund the construction of the processing building, the DTI will provide the machinery, and the DOST will assist in the packaging, labeling, product testing, and FDA-LTO licensing.

The P388,475-worth project includes processing tables, food processors, curing and fermentation materials, and a chiller, among others.

The SSF Project was officially established with the signing of the Memorandum of Agreement and the Usufruct Agreement by Juliet Lucas, Regional Director of DTI-CAR, and Joseph T. Denio, Chairperson of Topdac MPC. It was witnessed by Atty. Samuel Gallardo, Provincial Director of DTI Baguio Benguet; Edina Picpican, Cooperative Manager; Dr. Sheila Marie Singa-Claver, Provincial Director of DOST Benguet; Elsie Digmayo of DAR Benguet; Councilor Marilou Zarate of LGU Atok; and the members of the Cooperative.

Atty. Gallardo, in his message, informed the members that the SSF Program was established in 2013 to improve the MSMEs’ quality of products and efficiency of production.

“Daytoy inaramid tayo tatta ket ebidensiya that whole-of-government approach works,” he said. (What we did today is evidence that the whole-of-government approach works.)

DTI Regional Director Juliet Lucas reminded the Cooperative that they are stewards of the project and therefore, must protect and make good use of it. She likened the establishment of the project to the Parable of the Talents wherein the talents received were multiplied. She also challenged them to become the kimchi factory previously announced to be constructed in Benguet.

“Sapay kuma ta haan lang nga wombok ti i-kimchi yu. Sapay kuma adaan to ti radish, cucumber, watercress ken daduma pay nga vegetable’, RD Lucas added. (Hopefully, you will process radish, cucumber, watercress, and other vegetables into kimchi, not only Chinese cabbage.)

In her message of support, Dr. Sheila Marie Singa-Claver of DOST Benguet committed to providing packaging, labeling, product testing, and marketing assistance. She added that DOST will also begin their assistance now that DTI and DAR have done their part.

Atty. Penelope De Ausen, the Provincial Director of DAR, in her message read by Ms. Elsie Digmayo, assured that DAR will continue supporting the Cooperative and challenge them to be more competitive and enterprising.

The Topdac MPC thru Board of Directors Chairperson Joseph Denio, BOD Vice-Chairperson George Bay-osan, and Manager Edina Picpican expressed their gratitude for the assistance they have received from the government. They promised to make good use of the facilities and equipment to be more productive.

“Umay to ti tiempo ket madamag yu nga agtul-tuloy to daytuy nga negosyo”, Denio said. (When the time comes, you will hear that this business is continuing.)

Ms. Picpican enjoined everyone to patronize the kimchi products of the Cooperative. With the private and public partnership, the vision of having a kimchi factory in the province of Benguet is a step closer to its realization. *

Some processing equipment provided for Topdac MPC
Some processing equipment provided for Topdac MPC
DTI and Topdac MPC Officials showing off the signed MOA and UA
DTI and Topdac MPC Officials showing off the signed MOA and UA

Date of release: 07 February 2023