The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI ) Region 2 in partnership with Overseas Workers Welfare Administration Regional Welfare Office 2 (OWWA-RWO2) and Land Bank of the Philippines conducted a webinar entitled “Enhanced Entrepreneurial Development Training” (EEDT) for 50 applicants of the Entrepreneurial Development Loan Program (EDLP) from Cagayan, via Zoom conference last 24 June 2021.

Officers of DTI-Region 2 SME Development Division Chief Michael Paggabao and Negosyo Center Regional Account Officer Karen Balicha shared important concepts relative to business identification, ideas, and opportunities under the new normal.
Moreover, the Writing Feasibility Study and Business Proposal Development were discussed by Paggabao to help the “Tulong PUSO” program beneficiaries of OWWA identify the most feasible business for them and to map out strategies in order to ensure that their business ideas will be carried out successfully. Likewise, the beneficiaries were also taught bookkeeping by Balicha.
With these collaborative projects, DTI-Region 2 widens its reach in providing technical assistance to promote entrepreneurship regionwide. DTI has been consistently supporting the endeavors of OWWA in helping our OFW kababayans come up with a plan for their future. ♦
Date of Release: July 2021