Ms. Anna Marie V. Quincina (Chief Business Development Division), Mr. Lawrence Joseph L. Velasco (CFIDP Project Coordinator), and Ms. Joyce Layesa (Business Counselor of Negosyo Center Pagbilao), together with Pagbilao Cocofarmers Federation, headed by Ms. Rosalie T. Batucabe. 

On January 13, 2023, Ms. Anna Marie V. Quincina (Chief Business Development Division), Mr. Lawrence Joseph L. Velasco (CFIDP Project Coordinator), and Ms. Joyce Layesa (Business Counselor of Negosyo Center Pagbilao) were invited to a meeting initiated by the President of Pagbilao Cocofarmers Federation, Ms. Rosalie T. Batucabe. The forum focuses on CFIDP programs and regular DTI-Quezon programs that will support the federation’s enterprise growth.

Ms. Anna Marie V. Quincina spoke on DTI initiatives such as OTOP Next Gen., Kapatid Mentor Me, and Negosyo Center Services. She also covers the cooperative’s access to CFIDP programs such as marketing research, capacity building, and organizational strengthening training.

Furthermore, Mr. Lawrence Joseph L. Velasco (CFIDP Project Coordinator) leads the profiling activities in an effort to provide relevant research through profiling, one-on-one consultations, and technical assistance to coconut farm worker beneficiaries, allowing CFIDP Coordinators to identify the needs of coconut farmers as well as provide strategic directions to coconut farmer organizations.

In Photo: Pagbilao Cocofarmers Federation

At last, Mr. Ariel Martinez, the cooperative’s manager, convened an open forum to address the difficulties and concerns of the presidents of different coconut farmer associations. This activity strengthens the bond between DTI-Quezon and the Pagbilao Coco Farmers Federation.

Date of Release: 26 January 2023