DTI-10 reminds consumers to ensure that they get exact change immediately after every transaction.

Get the exact change of your purchase when you shop!

Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Region 10 reminds consumers to ensure that they get exact change immediately after every transaction.

Likewise, giving of candies in exchange of loose change as well as other alternatives are prohibited.

Republic Act 10909 also known as the “No Shortchanging Act” specifies that it shall be the duty of the business establishment to give exact change to the consumer without waiting for the consumer to ask for the same.

It is unlawful for business establishments to shortchange a consumer, even if such change is only a small amount.

Consumers who have been shortchanged are highly encouraged to report to the business establishment’s consumer welfare desk or file a complaint with the DTI no later than 10 working days after violation has been committed.

Aside from giving the exact change, business establishments have the duty to use price tags, when appropriate, indicating the exact retail price per unit or service which already includes the taxes applicable to the goods or services offered and issue Official Receipts or Sales Invoices, as may be applicable.

This is to avoid misleading consumers on the exact price they have to pay for the good and services and the exact change due them.

Establishments shall also post in conspicuous areas a sign that encourages customers to demand for exact change.

The reminder on exact change is in line with DTI-10’s commitment to protect consumers against deceptive, unfair, and unconscionable sales acts and practices. *

Date of Release: 28 December 2022