Roughly two (2) weeks before the opening of classes, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) published the “Gabay sa Pamimili ng School Supplies 2018.”

The DTI releases this price guide every year to assist the consumers in their purchase of school items. Further, this suggested retail price (SRP) list covers specific brands of notebook, pad paper, pencil and ball pen, crayon, eraser, sharpener, and ruler.

For this year, several brands of notebooks and pad papers increased their prices due to the high cost of raw materials imported from China and the depreciation of Peso value against U.S dollar. However, prices of other school supplies remained stable.

The SRPs of some brands of composition, writing, and spiral notebooks (Advance, Topline, Best Buy, Pandayan, Papelikha, Orions, and Veco) increased by Php 1.00 to Php 4.00. Merit, on the other did not increase their prices. Composition and writing notebooks are still priced at Php 12.75 (without plastic cover) and Php 34.00 (with plastic cover) while their spiral notebook without plastic cover is still priced at Php 19.00.

Similarly, some brands of writing pad papers (grade 1-4) (Easywrite, Best Buy, Sakura, Pandayan, Papelikha, and Orions) increased by Php 0.50 to Php 6.00) while for intermediate paper, some brands (Easy write, Best, Best Buy (book paper), Pandayan, Papellikha and Orions) raised their prices by Php 1.75 to Php 5.00.

Despite these increases, Merit’s writing and intermediate pads are still at Php 12.00 and Php 25.00, respectively. Likewise, Best Buy’s intermediate (bond paper) pad paper is still priced at Php 18.00.

Meanwhile, two brands of pencil (Best buy and Pandayan) recorded an increase of Php 4.50 and Php 1.00, respectively, while the other brands maintained their last year’s prices.

Generally, some brands of ball pens did not increase their prices since last year except for Marvy, Avanti, and Pentel which recorded an increase by Php 1.00 to Php 6.00.

For crayons, HBW Jumbo No. 8 decreased its price by Php 11.00 while other brands (Crayola, Li’l hands, Faber Castell, HBW, Best Buy and Pandayan) did not change their prices since last year. However, brands such as Sterling and Colleen increased their prices by Php 2.00 to Php 10.00 for boxes of Regular No. 8, Regular No. 16, and Regular No. 24 and Jumbo 8.

There were no recorded price movements for sharpener while one brand of eraser (Orions) increased by Php 2.00. For ruler, Orions increased by Php 3.00 while Php 2.00 for Sterling.

“There have been increases in some staples but consumers can check for school items sold in in bundle or promo packs which can help them save Php 30.75 depending on the brand,” says Consumer Protection Group (CPG) Undersecretary Atty. Ruth B. Castelo.

She also added that based on their discussions with paper manufacturers, there will be no more price increases until December 2018.

The Gabay sa Pamimili ng School Supplies was published last 12 May 2018 in Philippine Daily Inquirer and Pilipino Star Ngayon and is already posted on the DTI’s e-Presyo, which can be accessed through or be downloaded from Play Store using any Android device.

The DTI intensifies its monitoring activities to ensure that prices of school supplies are stable. The Department will also post the price guide in establishments and stores in the regions and provinces.

Also, the DTI advises the consumers to choose well according to their needs.♦