Ladies and gentlemen, magandang hapon sa inyong lahat.

A Happy 46th Anniversary of Philippines-China Diplomatic Relations and 20th Filipino-Chinese Friendship Day! Thank you to the Federation of Filipino-Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Inc. (FFCCCII) and its president, our good friend Dr. Henry Lim Bon Liong, for inviting us to speak before you today.

Amidst the long and rich history of the Philippines’ enduring bilateral relations with China as our top trading partner and one of our top investment partners, FFCCCII has been our strong partner for the promotion of increased trade and investments. Following President Rodrigo Roa Duterte’s pivot towards an independent foreign policy, this close relationship between Philippines and China has blossomed further like a spring flower after a hard winter. Through both bounty and hardship, the Philippines and China is ready to address both the COVID-19 pandemic and the new economic opportunities available through the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP).

In this light, the FFCCCII plays an integral role in promoting Philippine-China economic relations and supporting our nation’s participation in major business events and trade fairs in China. As such, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) hopes to rely on this partnership with your Federation in the upcoming events.

With the Philippines as the guest country of honor at the China International Fair for Investments & Trade (or CIFIT) 2021, we invite all our Chinese friends and investors to visit the Philippine Pavilion from 8 to 11 September at the City of Xiamen in Fujian Province. The Philippines will also be participating at the upcoming China International Import Expo (or CIIE) 2021 in Shanghai this coming November. Lastly, we call on everyone to connect with us at the China International Fair for Trade in Services 2021 (or CIFTIS).

We are also glad to inform you that we have reopened the Philippine Trade and Investment Center (or PTIC) in Hong Kong last May 1. You can now utilize DTI’s Hong Kong Office as a launch pad to enter the mainland China market, specifically through the Greater Bay Area. Again, thank you to FFCCCII for partnering with DTI and we look forward to further collaborations. As we mark another milestone in the Philippine-China relationship, let us continue working towards making this partnership even more fruitful to create more economic opportunities for our two nations.

Mabuhay and Xie xie dajia!

Date of Release: 15 June 2021