John Paul Naoe – Jaypee’s Bakeshop (Bauang, La Union)

They say that nobody knows what one is destined to achieve, but for the 25-year-old John Paul “JP” Naoe of Bauang, La Union, he already knew what he wanted and he worked hard to get it.
His entrepreneurial mindset started when he commenced selling pastillas back in college for additional allowance. Little did he know that this exposure will be his foundation to becoming a successful entrepreneur and owner of Jaypee’s Bakeshop.

It’s always been his love and interest for baking that pushed him to venture to this kind of business. To ensure quality, he uses the finest quality of ingredients sourced out locally to also help other enterprises.
JP is a recipient of various seminars and trainings from Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). He became part of DTI and GoNegosyo’s Kapatid Mentor ME (KMME) Program where he realized that there is more in business operations. He grasped the things he was lacking and worked on it to improve operations. To date, Jaypee’s Bakeshop is now employing four staff and is gearing to transfer to a bigger manufacturing area approved by Food Drugs and Administration (FDA).
In order to survive this time of pandemic, JP pivoted his business model from being a supplier of hotels, restaurants, caterers, and pasalubong shops to catering directly to customers. Jaypee’s Bakeshop has significantly improved amid the pandemic as manifested by the Filipinos’ resiliency, preparedness, and adaptivity.

Date of Release: 2 September 2021