Joel dela Cruz Pablo, a former Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) from Saudi Arabia, became an entrepreneur after being assisted by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). He stayed in Riyadh for three (3) years and when he got home, he pursued a small business – IZZY Computer Shop – in 2011. Noting that his business was not legally registered, and being aware of the operation of the Negosyo Center in Dinalungan, he approached the DTI office for assistance. The Center advised him on how to start his business right. With the right information provided to him on the Business Name Law, Mr. Pablo registered his business and today, the business is working smoothly. Although with meager resources, Mr. Pablo hopes to expand its business given the right opportunity.

With his attendance to the Seminar on Entrepreneurial Appreciation Course given by the Negosyo Center in Dinalungan, Mr. Pablo learned a lot on how to build up a business with the right mindset of complying with all the legal requirements. Registering his business with DTI has helped him to further plan his business. With this in mind, Mr. Pablo approached DTI for loan assistance through NC Dinalungan, Mr. Pablo was released a loan amounting to P270,000.00. He used this to put up another business – JP NORTH PRESS which is located at E. Meneses St., Poblacion Zone 1, Dinalungan, Aurora. This business caters to printing services.

On its first year of operation, his IZZY Computer Shop generated Fifty Thousand (P50,000) Pesos annual gross sales in 2011. The following year, with his eagerness, he purchased another one unit of photocopier from which he earned an annual revenue of Eighty Thousand (P80,000) Pesos. As years passed by, he had low sales because of long power electric eruption caused by typhoons in consecutive years. However this did not make him stop operating his business. He continued the business operation and in 2017, he earned gross sales of One Hundred Thousand (P100,000) Pesos. He is now thinking for another full-time employee for JP North Press to gain more sales in the near future.

Today, Mr. Pablo is happy to see his business doing well and with the feeling that he is able to contribute to the economy of Dinalungan, he foresees opportunity of expanding his businesses, being a BMBE recipient.

Prepared by:
NC Assistant 

Approved by:
Provincial Director