UNISAN, QUEZON — On March 16, 2023, DTI Quezon conducted the Coconut Farmers and Industry Development Program (CFIDP) Marketing Assessment and Validation for Unisan Atimonan Coco Farmers Producers Cooperative and Gumaca Coco Coir Consumers Cooperative at the ABC Building, Brgy. F. De Jesus, Unisan, Quezon, to assist in the empowerment of coconut farmers’ effectiveness and sustainability in marketing their coconut products. Senior Trade and Industry Development Specialist Ma. Graciela C. Ledesma, CFIDP Project Coordinator Dara Jannes C. Obmerga, and DTI Negosyo Center Business Counselor Maria Adelle G. Olase spearheaded the activity.
The CFIDP Project Coordinator Obmerga, from DTI Quezon, started the activity with an opening prayer and an acknowledgment of guests and participants, followed by an opening message by Municipal Agriculturist 2, Sonia U. Generoso, from the Local Government Unit of Unisan, Quezon. She encouraged the members of the UACFPC and representatives of G4C to continue with their advocacy to create beautiful crafts made out of coconut shells and coco coir.
Afterward, PCA Coconut Development Officer Mark Erwin Alejandro delivered his message of support. He shared the CFIDP audiovisual presentation to let the farmers know more about the project. He also encouraged them to register with the NCFRS to avail themselves of the services offered by different agencies under the CFIDP fund.
STIDS Ledesma talked about understanding the organization’s mission and vision and their capacities in order to empower them in their business operations. She showed the potential of the coconut non-food products of the UACFPC, such as coco lampshades, coco wallets, coco necklaces, coco chandeliers, and coco bracelets. She showed the designer’s prototype of coco planters for G4C. She discussed how they would understand the market for their products and their marketing opportunities.
After the session, STIDS Ledesma and Obmerga divided them into two groups for the action planning of their organization. DTI Quezon also presented the marketing activities planned for the coconut non-food MSMEs for the year 2023. They also seized the opportunity to conduct training needs assessments and profiling for the two groups to maximize the time.
In the afternoon, they conducted the same activity with Agdangan Padre Burgos Producers Cooperative (APBPC) at the Evacuation Center, Municipal Compound, Agdangan, Quezon. DTI Negosyo Center Agdangan Eduard Sta. Maria assisted the DTI Quezon team. Agricultural Technologist Cheryl Endozo of LGU Agdangan delivered the opening message. She said that their office was very grateful for activities like these, especially since many coconut farmers will benefit from marketing their coco fibers. Also, PCA Coconut Development Officer Richard Warain thanked DTI for the invitation and
encouraged the participants to show their enthusiasm and active participation in the activity.
STIDS Ledesma shared the presentation again with the participants, and CFIDP Project Coordinator Obmerga presented the marketing activities for this year. ♦
Date of Release: 3 April 2023