DTI Quezon together with the attendees of Food Safety Sanitation and Hygiene Seminar from Atimonan, Quezon

ATIMONAN, QUEZON — With the acknowledgement that poor food hygiene practices among food workers are a leading cause of food safety incidents, food safety training for food handlers has become a central component in the management of food contamination risks.

In this regard, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)-Quezon, through its Negosyo Center-Atimonan, in collaboration with the Special Project Unit (SPU) of the Local Government Unit (LGU) Atimonan, conducted a seminar on food safety sanitation and hygiene, which was attended by a total of forty-nine (49) food handlers on April 14, 2023, at the Atimonan National Agency Center, Brgy. Zone 1, Atimonan, Quezon. The seminar aimed to help participants prepare and ensure compliance with the most significant food sanitation laws, ensure that all surfaces are cleaned on a regular basis and reduce the risks of transferring bacteria or other pathogens from an unclean surface to clean equipment, and become familiar with standard sanitation and hygiene practices.

The seminar started with the opening remarks of Ms. Roceliza D. Uy, the head of SPU, in which she gave thanks to the guest speakers and welcomed the attendees for making their time available for the activity. The program proper begins with the discussion of foodborne diseases by Dra. Carla Clarise A. Jimenez, MGADH I – MHO, followed by the discussion of food surveillance and proper washing, disinfection, and storage by Mr. Voy Brandy G. Pineda, the assistant sanitation inspector. Personal hygiene and proper PPE were discussed by Mr. Romnick A. Sugnan, the Municipal Sanitation Inspector. The discussion continued until the afternoon with topics on excreta and water sanitation, procurement of a sanitary permit and health certificate, and insect and rodent control presented by the Provincial Sanitary Inspector, Mr. Gilbert Parafina, followed by Mr. Cyrus Reneil L. Santander, who presented proper waste disposal through an activity. The seminar ended with the closing remarks of the Business Counselor of Negosyo Center Atimonan, who emphasized the importance of each topic discussed in food establishments and how it can be very useful in their future endeavors.

The seminar provided a number of concrete actions that can be taken to promote a positive mentality and attitude toward hygiene training and help enable the transfer of knowledge and behavior from training to the workplace of the participants.

Date of Release: 19 April 2023