On 30 March 2022, via Zoom and Facebook (FB) Live, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Quezon Provincial Office successfully conducted the first webinar in the DTI Quezon’s Youth Entrepreneurship Program (YEP), and Building and Encouraging Youth Entrepreneurship through E-commerce, Innovation and Development (BEYOND) three-part on-demand webinar series, E-commerce Essentials: How to Start a Successful Online Business. Ms. Anna Lorraine D. Galura, Head of the Business Unit of Kimstore, was invited to lecture on this topic. She was also the founder of Naapuhap Manila. There were 383 attendees via Zoom and 139 participants via FB Live Streaming, with the FB recording generating over 900 views.

Screen capture of Coco Deli's Vanessa M. Maputi while discussing her topic

DTI Quezon Officer-in-Charge Lani O. Constantino delivered the welcome remarks and gave a brief overview of how the YEP began. “We look forward to our young entrepreneurs being more digitally competitive and engaged in promoting e-commerce in the country, particularly in Quezon Province.” OIC Constantino said as she finished up her welcome remarks. This was followed by the introduction of the speaker by Senior Trade-Industry Development Specialist Ma. Cristina J. Avio.

Screen capture while introducing the speaker, Ms. Ma. Cristina J. Avio and Ms. Anna Galura

Ms. Galura’s topic covers e-commerce statistics, products, market, platform, setting up, and driving traffic. Following her presentation, a workshop was convened to develop a comprehensive e-commerce plan for a specific small business. It might be an established MSME or a project that the group enjoys working on. The following items were given to them to identify:

1. Product
2. Market
3. Platform
4. Strategies for launching an e-commerce store

To conclude the activity, Ms. Jaryz Eden J. Lloce, Trade and Industry Development Specialist/ YEP Focal Person, expressed her gratitude to the aspiring and existing young entrepreneurs and youth organizations, as well as the resource speaker, for sharing their time and expertise in a timely, informative, relevant, and inspiring discussion aimed at assisting the youth in realizing their full potential as successful entrepreneurs.

The webinar was moderated by Ms. Nicole P. Lleva, Negosyo Center Mauban Business Counselor. Technical assistance was also given by Ms. Leizel A. Luneta, Ms. Aicel Joy S. Dongon, Ms. Chelsea Ann A. Canales, Mr. Carl Kenneth C. Balauag, and Ms. Altamiel Evangelista.

The second webinar, Innovation and Transformation: Taking the First Step will be on 24 June 2022. ♦

Date of Release: 19 April 2022