The Department of Trade and Industry – Rizal Provincial Office in collaboration with PLDT and Rizal MSMED Council, conducted the 7th leg of Building Initiatives with DTI in Assisting Budding Entrepreneurs to Succeed thru 7Ms (BIDABES) featuring Business Model Canvas on 7 December 2021 via Zoom application. The activity was participated by students, advisers and professors from different schools and universities in the Province of Rizal and nearby cities and municipalities.

This webinar on Business Model Canvas was started at exactly 1:00 in the afternoon and was hosted by Business Counselor Arlene Olesco of Negosyo Center-Teresa.
DTI Rizal Business Development Division Chief Sharon Dioco, warmly welcomed guests and participants and thanking them for their active participation and support to the implementation of the Youth Entrepreneurship Program. Jeff Chua, President and CEO of Cyclehouse was introduced as the resource speaker for the webinar on Business Model Canvas. The 9 Building Blocks of Business Model canvas were discussed clearly during the lecture.

Chua clearly discussed the nine building blocks of Business Model Canvas, customer relationships, customer segments, value proposition, channels, revenue streams, key resources, key activities, key partnership, and cost structure. He suggested to the participants to make a Business Model Canvas to visualize the business to create value. He also made his own business, Cycle house as best example to clearly understand the business model canvas. He finished his lecture by asking participants to give two to three things that marked in their minds. He ended the lecture with the last piece of advice, “You are a visionary, a game-changer, it starts of being positive, if you don’t have the right psychology in business then you will not be able to start and God will not be able to deliver his promise because you don’t believe.” ♦
Date of Release: 15 December 2021