DTI Rizal, Mr. Dennis A. Orlina, LGU Morong Municipal Administrator Erran N. Montoya together with the seventy (70) participants comprised of the Pangkabuhayan sa Pagbangon at Ginhawa (PPG) and Livelihood Seeding Program – Negosyo Serbisyo sa Barangay (LSP-NSB) sari-sari store kit beneficiaries

The Department of Trade and Industry – Rizal Provincial Office through Negosyo Center Morong continues to provide support and assistance to micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) by conducting a face-to-face seminar on Resiliency for Small Businesses at the Audio-Visual Room, New Municipal Compound, San Pedro, Morong, Rizal. This activity was attended by seventy (70) participants comprised of the Pangkabuhayan sa Pagbangon at Ginhawa (PPG) and Livelihood Seeding Program – Negosyo Serbisyo sa Barangay (LSP-NSB) sari-sari store kit beneficiaries.

Negosyo Center Morong Business Counselor Leah Mae L. Clemente facilitated the program and welcomed the participants. LGU Morong Municipal Councilor Ireneo M. Pascual delivered the welcoming remarks and expressed his gratitude to DTI Rizal for the assistance they have provided to Morong entrepreneurs. He hopes to further extend LGU Morong’s partnership with DTI to provide further support to micro entrepreneurs.

DTI Rizal OIC Provincial Director Cleotilde M. Duran followed with a rousing message for the participants. She cited the importance of being prepared in times of uncertain difficulty such as the ongoing pandemic and natural calamities. OIC-PD Duran ends her message by reminding the participants to practice resilience and to share what they will learn in the activity to other individuals who may encounter the same uncertain situations.

Mr. Dennis A. Orlina, President and Philippine representative of the ASEAN Handicraft Promotion and Development Association, was the resource person for the activity.

Mr. Dennis A. Orlina, President and Philippine representative of the ASEAN Handicraft Promotion and Development Association, was the resource person for the activity. His discussion outlined different economic crises, its effects, and ways to navigate and uplift themselves during uncertainty. Mr. Orlina also shared valuable insights on resiliency, recovery, contingency, and business continuity. He ended his presentation by inspiring the entrepreneurs in attendance to not lose hope and be able to withstand and recover quickly from difficult circumstances.

Afterwards, DTI Rizal Business Development Division Chief Sharon F. Dioco presented the Certificate of Appreciation to Mr. Orlina. Lastly, LGU Morong Municipal Administrator Erran N. Montoya delivered his gratitude to DTI Rizal and the participants.

Date of Release: 5 December 2022