Negosyo Center Lopez together with small business owners from Barangay Sabang Dos, Calauag, Quezon.

CALAUAG, QUEZON — 26 May 2023 | The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Quezon, through its Negosyo Center Lopez, organized an informative session in Barangay Sabang Dos, Calauag, Quezon, to empower small business owners in the area. The event witnessed enthusiastic participation from local entrepreneurs eager to learn about the various services and programs offered by the DTI.

The information dissemination session began with a comprehensive discussion on the DTI service and programs available to small business owners. Attendees gained valuable insights into the resources and support offered by the DTI, enabling them to optimize their businesses’ growth potential.

One of the crucial topics covered during the session was “Karapatan ng Mamimili” (Consumer Rights), which highlighted the importance of protecting consumers and ensuring fair business practices. Small business owners were educated on the rights and privileges that consumers are entitled to, empowering them to provide high-quality products and services while fostering trust with their clientele.

“Pananagutan ng Mamimili” (Consumer Responsibility) was another focal point of the discussion, emphasizing the significance of ethical business conduct. Participants were encouraged to uphold honesty, transparency, and accountability in their customer dealings, fostering long-term customer relationships and loyalty.

The session also delved into the theme of “Simulan Mong Magnegosyo” (Start Your Business), providing valuable guidance and insights for aspiring entrepreneurs. Attendees received practical tips, tools, and advice to help them kickstart their entrepreneurial journey successfully.

Additionally, the Negosyo Center Lopez Business Counselor Ma. Isabel C. Hirang highlighted the DTI Loan Program, a crucial resource for small business owners seeking financial assistance. The program was thoroughly explained, highlighting its features, eligibility criteria, and application process. Attendees were encouraged to explore this opportunity to obtain the necessary capital for their businesses’ growth and expansion.

Overall, the information dissemination session conducted by Negosyo Center Lopez in Barangay Sabang Dos, Calauag, Quezon, on May 26, 2023, proved to be a valuable platform for small business owners. The event not only equipped them with knowledge about DTI services and programs but also instilled a sense of responsibility towards consumers and provided essential guidance for entrepreneurial success. Negosyo Center Lopez actively supports local businesses and fosters regional economic growth through these initiatives.

Date of Release: 31 May 2023