To engage and to strengthen the promotion of youth entrepreneurship in the country, the Department of Trade and Industry Quezon (DTI-Quezon) conducted a webinar on Online Visual Merchandising Product Styling for a Higher Revenue on 22 April 2021, via Zoom and Facebook Live. A total of 321 participants attended in its first run of this year’s activities, with resource speakers Mr. Rey Luciano P. Soliven and Ms. Kate A. Aro.

DTI-Quezon Provincial Director Julieta L. Tadosa, Career Executive Service Officer (CESO) V, graced the webinar as well and gave her opening remarks. She cited the significance of addressing youth unemployment and the need to elevate the employability of the youth by providing them access to technology and lifeskills training demanded by employers. She also discussed that it is imperative to harness the entrepreneurial inclination of the youth so that they too can contribute to generating job opportunities in the country.

To address the young demographics of the country to become productive individuals through entrepreneurship, the resource speakers Mr. Rey Luciano P. Soliven and Ms. Kate A. Aro shared how powerful visual merchandising strategy can boost and maximize their retail sales.

Mr. Soliven, a product and creative design consultant who nurtured his design and leadership skills for 16 years at the Product Development and Design Center of the Philippines (PDDCP), talked through about Traditional Visual Merchandising. The pandemic has taught small business owners that the ability to adapt swiftly to changes will determine their future survival and sustainability. Presently, many entrepreneurs explore e-commerce platforms and take into consideration moving their brick-and-mortar store to an online shop. In addition, Mr. Soliven discussed Online Visual Merchandising, which is the act of using visual elements to enhance the overall consumer experience in e-commerce stores.

In the second part of the module, Ms. Aro, an Industrial Designer who started her design career at the DCP and has worked with various product development projects such as OTOP, Global Trends, and Manila FAME, discussed the topic, “What is Evolved?” wherein she compared the Traditional with the E-commerce Merchandising in terms of branding and shopping experience. She also showed case studies of how high-end and start-up stores engage and flourish in e-commerce.

To end the activity, Small and Medium Enterprise Development (SMED) Unit Head Ma. Cristina J. Avio expressed her message of gratitude to the aspiring and existing youth entrepreneurs and appreciated the resource speakers for sharing their invaluable time and expertise for a timely, informative, relevant, and inspiring discussion toward assisting the youth in exploring their full potential of becoming successful entrepreneurs.

Mobile Product Photography will run in June 2021. Stay tuned for more details on registration.­♦

Date of Release: 27 April 2021