Trade and Industry Secretary Ramon M. Lopez (left) leads the oath-taking of newly-appointed regional directors and assistant regional directors of the DTI. DTI VI Regional Director Rebecca M. Rascon and DTI VI Asst. Regional Director Ermelinda P. Pollentes took their oath as full-fledged officials of DTI VI. (photo credits: PD Lea T. Gonzales, DTI Negros Occidental)

DTI VI Regional Director Rebecca M. Rascon took her oath as a full-fledged regional director before DTI Secretary Ramon M. Lopez during the DTI Regional Operations Group Assembly at Fontana Hotel and Villas in Clark, Pampanga on July 11, 2018.
Rascon was assigned as the OIC-RD of DTI VI on August 7, 2015. Prior to this, she also served as the provincial director of DTI Negros Occidental, DTI Aklan, and DTI Capiz Provincial Offices from March 11, 1991.
She started as a contractual employee as Project Development Analyst II of the then Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) on July 19, 1978. After four years, she joined government service as Industry Development Analyst of MTI on July 1, 1982.
Rascon, a native of Lambunao, Iloilo, is a product of the University of San Agustin with a degree in Bachelor of Arts – Major in Economics, and as a Medium and Small-Scale Coordinated Action Program (MASICAP) Scholar.
Also with Rascon were Capiz Provincial Director Ermelinda P. Pollentes and DTI Antique OIC- Provincial Director Mercedes B. Young who also took their oath as the newly-appointed Asst. Regional Director and as full-fledged provincial director, respectively.♦

Date of release: 12 July 2018