Regina Madio is a perfect example of how turning inspiration into action can create success. Regina, the owner and founder of the PRAJ Pasalubong Center, had very humble beginnings. What started as a coin purse maker became one of the province’s largest producers of Kalinga woven goods and packaging, with an annual profit of over continue reading : Fabricating Fortune: Regina Madio’s Handwoven Accomplishments
Flourishing with Food Fusion: How Glenn Villacin Combined Cultures to Suit the Filipino Palate
For Chef Glenn Villacin of Iligan City, food is not just a means to satisfy hunger. It’s also something that should represent emerging cultures so people can relate to it in some way because of its universality. This was why he decided to start his food businesses, which he called the Kogi-Yah Yakiniku Bar, and continue reading : Flourishing with Food Fusion: How Glenn Villacin Combined Cultures to Suit the Filipino Palate