Recognizing the pivotal role that businesses play in preventing further transmission of COVID-19, the DTI formulated these sector-specific public health standards in close coordination with private stakeholders and the Department of Health – Disease Control and Prevention Bureau. These protocols are regularly updated based on current scientific evidence.

For sector-specific protocols in areas under Alert Level 1, please visit this link.

For sector-specific protocols in areas under other Alert Levels, please refer to the list below:


Physical Set-Up Controls

  1. For indoor dining, install table top clear dividers made of acrylic or any similar transparent material to prevent droplet transmission in face-to-face seating arrangements.

  2. For outdoor dining, implement an alternate/diagonal seating arrangement if table top clear dividers are not installed.

  3. Ensure adequate air exchange in enclosed areas through the implementation of strategies as cited in DOLE Department Order No. 224-21,3 such as:
    1. Maximizing natural ventilation through opening of windows;
    2. Use of low-cost modifications to improve air flow (e.g. addition of fans or exhaust fans);
    3. Identification of multi-occupant spaces that are used regularly and are poorly ventilated. Air flow shall be controlled to ensure indoor CO2 concentrations be maintained at-or below 1,000 parts per million (ppm); and
    4. Installation and regular maintenance of exhaust fans and air filtration devices with High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters.

  4. Install any of the following hand hygiene and sanitation facilities and supplies:
    1. Hand washing station or sink with adequate and safe water supply;
    2. Soap and water or 70% Isopropyl (or Ethyl) Alcohol; and Hands-free trash receptacles, soap and towel dispensers, door openers, and other similar hands-free equipment. The use of foot baths, disinfection tents, misting chambers, or sanitation booths are not recommended.
  5. Maintain physical distancing by ensuring table and seats spacing, using unidirectional markers in queuing areas, and reducing seating capacity in accordance with the prevailing alert level system where the Food Establishment is located.
    1. Chairs shall be distanced at least one (1) meter on all sides.
    2. Queueing area shall comply with the one (1) meter distance on all sides requirement.

  6. Establish a screening area at the point/s-of-entry. The following protocols must be implemented thereat:
    1. Health declaration or symptom assessment through the use of the application, or any national and certified contact tracing application integrated with the same, in the conduct of contact tracing activities. Those with symptoms or exposure to probable, suspect, and confirmed COVID-19 cases, regardless of vaccination status, shall not be allowed entry.
    2. All personnel, suppliers, and customers must undergo a non-contact temperature check. Those with a temperature higher than 37.5 degrees centigrade shall not be allowed entry.
    3. Indoor dine-in services in areas where they are allowed to operate shall cater only to fully vaccinated individuals with no COVID-19 symptoms, subject to presentation of a COVID-19 vaccination card.*

  7. Implement a Buffet Service only under the following conditions:
    1. Food servers will serve the food;
    2. All food trays are with food covers; and
    3. Food is maintained at recommended safe temperatures (e.g. use of warming trays, ice, etc.).

  8. Install visual cues or signages to communicate the following:
    1. Maintaining physical distancing of at least one (1) meter distance between customers;
    2. Cough and sneeze etiquette;
    3. Proper hand hygiene and infection control;
    4. Proper use and disposal of Personal Protective Equipment; and
    5. Other critical reminders in the Prevent, Detect, Isolate, Treat, Reintegrate (PDITR+) strategy and BIDA Solusyon, and Resbakuna for the promotion of the Government Vaccination Program.

  9. Provide a proper facility for proper storage, collection, treatment, and disposal of used PPE and other infectious waste in accordance with DOH AO 2021-0043.

  10. Ensure that music volume is kept to a minimum to discourage loud talking, which increases the likelihood of droplet transmission.

  11. Prohibit the use of play areas or playgrounds.

  12. Disallow the use of self-service stations like do-it-yourself customer refill and condiment stations.

    *updated per revised IATF guidelines

Administrative Controls

  1. Ensure adequate provision of personal protective equipment to all employees, regardless of employment status, which includes:
    1. Cloth or surgical masks, or face shields, as necessary; and
    2. Gloves and other appropriate PPE for all personnel tasked to do regular cleaning and disinfection of chairs, tables, or other furniture, fixtures, and equipment.

  2. Enforce limits on on-site capacity in accordance with the latest guidelines set by the national government or limitations on venue/seating capacity or other prohibitions as may be imposed by the Local Government Unit (LGU).

  3. Permit individuals from the same household to dine together in one table, provided that they show proof of the same address; and provided, further that their table/s shall be distanced by by at least one (1) meter from other customers’ tables.
  4. Remind customers that face masks may only be removed while eating or drinking.

  5. Maximize the use of online or mobile platforms for rendering services.

  6. As far as practicable, utilize single-use or QR-based menus and contactless ordertaking.

  7. Utilize digital modes of payment or provide small trays for cash payment to avoid physical contact between personnel and customers.

  8. Disinfect premises in accordance with DOH Department Memorandum No. 2020-0157, its amendments and Cleaning and disinfection of environmental surfaces in the context of COVID-19 by the WHO. For this purpose, all furniture, fixtures, and equipment, including those inside the kitchen, food preparation, dining areas, and restrooms must be properly and regularly sanitized (e.g. after every use for tables and chairs).

Additional Protocols

  1. All designated smoking areas (DSAs) shall comply with the specifications indicated in Executive Order No. 26, Series of 2017.

  2. The limits on maximum servings of alcoholic beverages shall remain subject to the corresponding local government guidelines.


Personal Care Services

Engineering Controls

  1. Ensure adequate air exchange in enclosed areas through the implementation of strategies as cited in DOLE Department Order No. 224-21 or the Guidelines on Ventilation for Workplaces and Public Transport to Prevent and Control the Spread of COVID-19, such as:

    1. Maximizing natural ventilation through opening of windows;

    2. Use of low-cost modifications to improve air flow (i.e. addition of fans or exhaust fans);

    3. Identification of multi-occupant spaces that are used regularly and are poorly ventilated. Air flow shall be controlled to ensure indoor CO2 concentrations be maintained at-or below 1,000 parts per million (ppm); and

    4. Installation and regular maintenance of exhaust fans and air filtration devices with High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters.

  2. Install hand hygiene and sanitation facilities, and provide materials
    such as the following:
    1. Adequate and safe water supply;
    2. Hand washing station or sink;
    3. Soap and water or 70% Isopropyl (or Ethyl) Alcohol; and
    4. Hands-free trash receptacles, soap and towel dispensers, door openers, and other similar hands-free equipment.
    5. The use of foot baths, disinfection tents, misting chambers, or sanitation booths are not recommended.

  3. Maintain physical distancing by ensuring proper spacing of seats and reducing seating capacity in accordance with the prevailing alert system where the establishment is located.

  4. Establish a screening area at the point/s-of-entry. The following protocols must be implemented thereat:

    1. Health declaration or symptom assessment through the use of the application, or any national and certified contact tracing application integrated with the same, in the conduct of contact tracing activities. Those with symptoms or exposure to probable, suspect, and confirmed COVID-19 cases shall not be allowed entry.

    2. All personnel and customers must undergo a non-contact temperature check, and those with a temperature higher than 37.5 degrees centigrade shall not be allowed entry.

    3. Indoor barbershops, hair spas, nail spas, and beauty salons located in areas where they are allowed to operate shall cater only to fully vaccinated individuals with no COVID-19 symptoms, subject to presentation of a COVID-19 vaccination card.*

  5. Install visual cues or signages to communicate:
    1. Maintaining physical distancing of at least one meter distance;
    2. Cough and sneeze etiquette;
    3. Proper hand hygiene and control;
    4. Proper use and disposal of PPE; and
    5. Other critical reminders in the Prevent, Detect, Isolate, Treat, Reintegrate (PDITR+) strategy, BIDA Solusyon ( and Resbakuna for the promotion of the Government’s Vaccination Program (

  6. Facility for proper storage, collection, treatment, and disposal of used PPE and other infectious waste shall be in accordance with DOH AO 2021-0043.

    *updated per revised IATF guidelines

Administrative Controls

  1. Ensure adequate provision of personal protective equipment to all employees, regardless of employment status, which includes:

    1. Cloth or surgical masks, or face shields, as necessary; and

    2. Gloves and other appropriate PPE for all personnel tasked to perform personal care services to customers or do regular cleaning and disinfection of chairs and other furniture, fixtures, and equipment.
  2. Enforce limits on on-site capacity in accordance with the latest guidelines set by the national government or limitations on venue/seating capacity or other prohibitions as may be imposed by the host Local Government Unit (LGU).

  3. Maximize the use of text messaging and online tools for scheduling to avoid gathering in queuing areas.

  4. Disinfection shall adhere with the provisions outlined in DOH Department Memorandum No. 2020-0157, its amendments and Cleaning and disinfection of environmental surfaces in the context of COVID-19 by the WHO. For this purpose, all furniture, fixtures, and equipment, including those inside the establishment and restrooms must be properly and regularly sanitized.

  5. Employers are encouraged to establish flexible policies on the provision of sick leaves and health benefits.

  6. The establishment shall, at all times, have a designated health and safety officer who will be physically present in the establishment to ensure that the MPHS outlined herein and government-imposed limitations on venue/seating capacity are strictly followed. Any non-compliance with this requirement or to the MPHS shall serve as
    ground for the temporary closure of the establishment, until such time that their violation is rectified.

Personal Protective Equipment

  1. Face masks must be worn at all times, regardless of the service to be performed (refer to Figure 1 for guidance to barbershops when cutting the hair of clients with face masks).
  2. Proper donning and doffing of gloves after each served customer shall be observed.

  3. Gloves and other appropriate PPE shall be used in performing activities such as cleaning and disinfection.

    Figure 1: Hook for haircuts
    Figure 1. Find any object (e.g., hook/pin/comb) that can hold the straps of the mask on the nape, then proceed with haircutting as illustrated above.


Gym and Fitness Studios

Consistent with the minimum public health standards prescribed by the Department of Health (DOH) under Administrative Order No. 2021-00431 and by the Departments of Trade and Industry (DTI) and Labor and Employment (DOLE) under Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2020-04-A2 , owners or designated safety officers of fitness studios and gyms are required to implement and maintain the following sector-specific public health standards:

To prevent the transmission of COVID-19, Management shall:

Engineering Controls

  1. Ensure adequate air exchange in enclosed areas through the implementation of strategies as cited in DOLE Department Order No. 224-21,3 such as:
    1. Maximizing natural ventilation through opening of windows;
    2. Use of low-cost modifications to improve air flow (e.g. addition of fans4 or exhaust fans);
    3. Identification of multi-occupant spaces that are used regularly and are poorly ventilated. Air flow shall be controlled to ensure indoor CO2 concentrations be maintained at-or below 1,000 parts per million (ppm)5
    4. Installation and regular maintenance of exhaust fans and air filtration devices (e.g. air purifiers) with High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters

  2. Install any of the following hand hygiene and sanitation facilities and supplies:
    1. Hand washing station or sink with adequate and safe water supply;
    2. Soap and water or 70% Isopropyl (or Ethyl) Alcohol; and
    3. Hands-free trash receptacles, soap and towel dispensers, door openers, and other similar hands-free

  3. Enforce two (2) meters physical distancing between patrons and employees in all areas of the Cardio equipment, free weight areas, weight training equipment, and fitness classrooms may be modified or adjusted to maintain the physical distancing requirement. If rearranging is not an option, place “do not use” signages and unplug equipment to allow for proper physical distancing.

  4. Establish a screening area at the point/s-of-entry. The following protocols must be implemented thereat:

    1. Health declaration or symptom assessment through the use of the application, or any national and certified contact tracing application integrated with the same, in the conduct of contact tracing activities. Those with symptoms or exposure to probable, suspect, and confirmed COVID-19 cases, regardless of vaccination status, shall not be allowed entry.

    2. All personnel, suppliers, and customers must undergo a non-contact temperature check. Those with a temperature higher than 5 degrees centigrade shall not be allowed entry.

    3. The use of foot baths, disinfection tents, misting chambers, or sanitation booths are not recommended.

    4. Enforce IATF Guidelines on catering indoor services/operations to fully vaccinated individuals only, as may be applicable to the establishment.

  5. Install visual cues or signages to communicate the following:
    1. Maintaining physical distancing of at least two (2) meters distance between patrons and employees;
    2. Cough and sneeze etiquette;
    3. Proper hand hygiene and infection control;
    4. Proper use and disposal of Personal Protective Equipment; and
    5. Other critical reminders in the Prevent, Detect, Isolate, Treat, Reintegrate (PDITR+) strategy and BIDA Solusyon,6 and Resbakuna for the promotion of the Government’s Vaccination 7

  6. Where possible, establish physical barriers between workers and patrons.
    1. Install cleanable transparent shields or other barriers to physically separate employees and patrons where distancing is not an option (e.g., between pieces of equipment that cannot be moved).
    2. Use strip curtains, plastic barriers, or similar materials to create impermeable dividers or partitions.

7. Provide a proper facility for proper storage, collection, treatment, and disposal of used PPE and other infectious waste in accordance with DOH AO 2021-0043.

[1] Entitled “Omnibus Guidelines on the Minimum Public Health Standards for the Safe Reopening of Institutions.”

[2] Entitled “Interim Guidelines on Workplace Prevention and Control of COVID-19.”

[3] Entitled “Guidelines on Ventilation for Workplaces and Public Transport to Prevent and Control the Spread of COVID-19.”

[4] Position free-standing fans in a way that does not direct air from one patron to another.

[5] Note that outdoor CO2 concentration directly impacts indoor CO2 concentration. It is critical to measure outdoor CO2 levels when assessing indoor concentrations. Indoor CO2 levels shall not exceed the outdoor concentration by more than about 600ppm.




Administrative Controls

  1. Ensure adequate provision of personal protective equipment to all employees, regardless of employment status, which includes:

    1. Cloth or surgical masks, or face shields, as necessary; and

    2. Gloves and other appropriate PPE for all personnel tasked to do regular cleaning and disinfection of furniture, fixtures, and equipment.

  2. Enforce limits on on-site capacity in accordance with the latest guidelines set by the national government or limitations on venue capacity or other prohibitions as may be imposed by the Local Government Unit (LGU). Establishments shall operate on a by-appointment or reservation basis to adhere to venue capacity requirements.

  3. Disinfect premises in accordance with DOH Department Memorandum No. 2020-0157, its amendments and Cleaning and disinfection of environmental surfaces in the context of COVID-19 by the WHO. For this purpose, all furniture, fixtures, and equipment, especially those that are considered high-touch surfaces (e.g. lockers, equipment), must be properly and regularly sanitized.

  4. Prohibit the use of water fountains, except for no-touch bottle refill stations. Patrons and employees may be encouraged to bring their own water bottles.
  5. Designate a health and safety officer who, at all times, will be physically present in the establishment to ensure that the MPHS outlined herein and government-imposed limitations on venue/seating capacity are strictly followed. Any non-compliance with this requirement or to the MPHS shall serve as ground for the temporary closure of the establishment, until such time that their violation is

Personal Protective Equipment

  1. Ensure that face masks are worn at all times, regardless of the exercise to be performed. For the safety of patrons, health and safety officers must discourage patrons from performing high-intensity exercises/activities.
  1. Ensure that appropriate PPEs shall be used for cleaning and disinfection of gym equipment.

Additional Protocols for Group Exercise Activities

  1. Enforce IATF restrictions on allowing group activities, as may be applicable.
  1. Limit group exercise activities to a maximum of one (1) hour per session/class.
  1. Allot a minimum of fifteen (15) minutes gap in between sessions/classes for disinfection of premises. Where group exercise activities involve participants prone or seated on the floor (i.e. floor mats not used), the floor should be cleaned and disinfected between each class.
  1. Require patrons to bring their own personal items such as towels, yoga mats, yoga hammocks, etc.


General Protocols for Cinemas and Movie Houses, Non-Contact Sports Courts and Venues, Amusement Parks and Theme Parks, and Recreational Venues

To prevent transmission of COVID-19, Management are required to implement and maintain the following minimum public health standards:


  1. Enforce at least one-(1) meter physical distancing in all areas of the establishment or facility. In areas where physical distancing might be compromised or crowding may take place, install physical barriers such as sneeze guards (acrylic plastic sheets), fixed glass panels, theater ropes and stanchions, hazard warning tapes, etc.

  2. Ensure adequate air exchange in enclosed areas through the implementation of strategies as cited in DOLE Department Order No. 224-21[1], such as:

    1. Maximizing natural ventilation through opening of windows;
      Use of low-cost modifications to improve air flow (e.g. addition of fans[2] or exhaust fans);
    2. Identification of multi-occupant spaces that are used regularly and are poorly ventilated. Air flow shall be controlled to ensure indoor CO2 concentrations be maintained at-or below 1,000 parts per million (ppm);[3] and
    3. Installation and regular maintenance of exhaust fans and air filtration devices (e.g. air purifiers) with High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters.
    4. Continuous monitoring of air quality is recommended, when possible.

  3. Install any of the following hand hygiene and sanitation facilities and supplies in strategic locations:
    1. Hand washing station or sink with adequate and safe water supply;
    2. Soap and water or 70% Isopropyl (or Ethyl) Alcohol; and
    3. Hands-free trash receptacles, soap and paper towel dispensers, door openers, and other similar hands-free equipment.

  4. Designate separate entry and exit points in high traffic areas by:
    1. Using unidirectional markers;
    2. Installing signages for queuing and unidirectional movement; and
    3. Enforcing sectioning and queuing protocols to maintain physical distancing.

  5. Establish a screening area at the point/s-of-entry. The following protocols must be implemented thereat:

    1. Health declaration or symptom assessment through the use of the application, or any national and certified contact tracing application integrated with the same, in the conduct of contact tracing activities. Those with symptoms or exposure to probable, suspect, and confirmed COVID-19 cases, regardless of vaccination status, shall not be allowed entry.
    2. All personnel, suppliers, and customers must undergo a non-contact temperature check. Those with a temperature higher than 37.5 degrees centigrade shall not be allowed entry.
    3. The use of foot baths, disinfection tents, misting chambers, or sanitation booths are not recommended.
    4. Enforce IATF Guidelines on catering indoor services/operations to fully vaccinated individuals only, as may be applicable to the establishment.

  6. Install visual cues or signages to communicate the following:
    1. Maintaining physical distancing of at least one (1) meter distance between patrons and employees;
    2. Cough and sneeze etiquette;
    3. Proper hand hygiene and infection control;
    4. Proper use and disposal of Personal Protective Equipment; and
    5. Other critical reminders in the Prevent, Detect, Isolate, Treat, Reintegrate (PDITR+) strategy and BIDA Solusyon[4], and Resbakuna for the promotion of the Government’s Vaccination Program[5].

  7. Provide a proper facility for proper storage, collection, treatment, and disposal of used PPE and other infectious waste in accordance with DOH AO 2021-0043.


  1. Ensure adequate provision of personal protective equipment to all employees, regardless of employment status, which includes:
    1. Cloth or surgical masks, or face shields, as necessary; and
    2. Gloves and other appropriate PPE for all personnel tasked to do regular cleaning and disinfection of furniture, fixtures, and equipment.

  2. Enforce limits on on-site capacity in accordance with the latest guidelines set by the national government or limitations on venue capacity or other prohibitions as may be imposed by the Local Government Unit (LGU).

  3. Use digital tools to enable establishments to receive payments via cashless modes; and to operate on a by-appointment or reservation basis to adhere to venue capacity requirements.

  4. Disinfect premises in accordance with DOH Department Memorandum No. 2020-0157, its amendments and Cleaning and disinfection of environmental surfaces in the context of COVID-19 by the WHO. For this purpose, all furniture, fixtures, and equipment, especially those that are considered high-touch surfaces or high-risk areas (e.g. acrylic barriers, handrails, restrooms, etc), must be properly and regularly sanitized.

  5. Designate a health and safety officer who, at all times, will be physically present in the establishment to ensure that the MPHS outlined herein and government-imposed limitations on venue/seating capacity are strictly followed. Any non-compliance with this requirement or to the MPHS shall serve as ground for the temporary closure of the establishment, until such time that their violation is rectified.


  1. Ensure that well-fitted face masks are worn at all times.
  2. Ensure that gloves and other appropriate PPEs are used for cleaning and disinfection, subject to proper donning and doffing practices.


[1] Entitled “Guidelines on Ventilation for Workplaces and Public Transport to Prevent and Control the Spread of COVID-19.”

[2] Position free-standing fans in a way that does not direct air from one patron to another.

[3] Note that outdoor CO2 concentration directly impacts indoor CO2 concentration. It is critical to measure outdoor CO2 levels when assessing indoor concentrations. Indoor CO2 levels shall not exceed the outdoor concentration by more than about 600ppm. Measurements should be done at maximum allowed capacity.



Cinemas and Movie Houses

  1. Ensure that patrons are seated at least one (1) meter from each other (in all directions). This physical distancing requirement shall apply to all, including patrons who come from the same household groups.

  2. Consider the use of calibrated CO2 monitors[6] to identify areas with inadequate air exchange and introduce necessary ventilation strategies as provided in DOLE DO 224-21[7].

  3. Ensure that well-fitted face masks are worn at all times.

  4. Face shields may only be removed temporarily during the screening proper.

  5. Consider staggering movie start times to reduce crowds in lobby, concession stands, and queuing areas.
  6. Prohibit food to be consumed inside the cinema and in other areas that do not have adequate physical distancing.  Food shall only be consumed in designated eating areas, subject to the sector-specific protocols for food preparation establishments.

  7. In consideration of possible emergencies and other health risks, allow drinking water to be consumed inside cinemas.

  8. Allow private screenings subject to the same health and safety standards (e.g. physical distancing, maximum venue capacity requirements, vaccination requirements, etc.)

  9. Consider running pre-show announcements to communicate the following:
    1. Maintaining physical distancing of at least one (1) meter distance between other household groups;
    2. Cough and sneeze etiquette;
    3. Proper hand hygiene and infection control;
    4. Proper use and disposal of Personal Protective Equipment;
    5. Proper waste disposal (consider requiring patrons to throw out their own waste at designated bins as they leave the cinema);
    6. Reminders such as staying seated and keeping conversations to a minimum for the duration of the show; and
    7. Other critical reminders in the Prevent, Detect, Isolate, Treat, Reintegrate (PDITR+) strategy and BIDA Solusyon[8], and Resbakuna for the promotion of the Government’s Vaccination Program[9].

  10. Designate a health and safety officer at every scheduled screening who, at all times, shall be physically present in the establishment to ensure that the MPHS outlined herein and government-imposed limitations on venue/seating capacity are strictly followed. Any non-compliance with this requirement or with the MPHS shall serve as ground for the temporary closure of the establishment, until such time that their violation is rectified.


[6] Note that outdoor CO2 concentration directly impacts indoor CO2 concentration. It is critical to measure outdoor CO2 levels when assessing indoor concentrations. Indoor CO2 levels shall not exceed the outdoor concentration by more than about 600ppm. Measurements should be done at maximum allowed capacity.

[7]  Entitled “Guidelines on Ventilation for Workplaces and Public Transport to Prevent and Control the Spread of COVID-19.”



Non-Contact Sports Courts and Venues
Including Track and Field Ovals and Similar Venues, Racquet Sports Courts such as Tennis and Badminton, Venues for Archery and Range Shooting, and Equestrian Centers

  1. Enforce IATF restrictions on live audiences and live voice and wind performers, as may be applicable.

  2. Allow lockers and shower areas, subject to regular disinfection procedures and restrictions on occupancy. Consider scheduling the use of these areas to comply with physical distancing requirements and allow for regular disinfection.

  3. Prohibit the use of water fountains, except for no-touch bottle refill stations. Patrons and employees may be encouraged to bring their own water bottles.

  4. Disallow sharing of personal items of players such as drinking bottles, towels, etc., and touching other players’ equipment (e.g. helmets, rackets, etc.)

  5. Disallow consuming food within playing areas. Food shall only be consumed in designated eating areas, subject to the sector-specific protocols for food preparation establishments.

Golf courses

  1. Increase physical distancing to at least three (3) meters.

  2. Require caddies to stay at least three (3) meters from their player at all times. They may pull the cart and position it near their player’s next shot and step away for their player to get a club but they are not allowed to touch or clean the clubs or golf ball. They may assist their player in computing distances and reading the greens, but they may only do so while observing the foregoing physical distancing prohibitions.

  3. Require players to load their golf bags on golf carts at all times.

  4. Control the number of caddies who will be asked to report for work corresponding only to the number of confirmed players with a little allowance for no-show caddies. Caddies must be asked not to stay at the premises earlier than 1 hour before their scheduled tee times and to leave the premises immediately after their game assignments. Congregation especially during meal or snack periods of caddies and employees shall be strictly disallowed.

  5. Schedule flights at twelve (12) minutes apart each. The maximum number of players per flight shall be four (4).

  6. Allow golf driving ranges to operate but they must limit the number of tee boys and tee girls they will ask to report for work to the bare minimum and keep them at safe distances from each other at all times. Other than delivering balls, tee boys and tee girls are not allowed to either tee golf balls for the patrons or touch any of their golf equipment.

  7. Enforce IATF restrictions on live audiences and live voice and wind performers, as may be applicable.

Billiard Halls, Bowling Alleys, Skating Rinks

  1. Leave open lanes / tables in between those being used to comply with venue capacity and physical distancing requirements. Use markers to indicate which lanes/tables may be used.

  2. Allow private or non-professional tournaments subject to the same health and safety standards (e.g. physical distancing, maximum venue capacity requirements, vaccination requirements, etc.)

  3. Consider setting a maximum number of players per billiard table / bowling lane.

  4. Disinfect equipment (e.g. bowling balls, bowling or skating shoes, billiard tables, billiard balls, cue sticks, etc.) after every use.

  5. Disallow consuming food within playing areas. Food shall only be consumed in designated eating areas, subject to the sector-specific protocols for food preparation establishments.

  6. Disallow spectators and audiences and other forms of mass gathering.

Amusement Parks and Theme Parks

  1. Develop specific loading and spacing procedures to ensure physical distancing in rides and queuing areas. Use markers to indicate which seats in rides may be occupied.

  2. Arcade areas may be allowed, subject to sector-specific protocols for amusement arcades.

  3. Close rides that do not allow physical distancing between guests, and rides that would prohibit guests from wearing masks.

  4. Disallow consuming food within queuing and rides areas. Food shall only be consumed in designated eating areas, subject to the sector-specific protocols for food preparation establishments.

  5. Enforce IATF restrictions on live audiences and live voice and wind performers, as may be applicable.

Internet Cafes

  1. Ensure that the distance between computer cubicles is 1-meter on all sides.

  2. Install physical barriers between cubicles. Barriers should be regularly sanitized.

  3. Disallow bystanders inside internet cafes.

  4. Disallow consuming food inside internet cafes.

  5. Disinfect computer paraphernalia such as monitors, mouse, keyboards, and headsets among others, after every use.

Amusement Arcades

  1. Use markers to indicate which machines may be used.

  2. Designate a waiting area 1-meter from machines / play area in case of repair or servicing.

  3. Enforce IATF restrictions on operating playlands, soft play, playhouses, KTV rooms, and stage-type videoke rooms.

  4. Disinfect high contact surfaces every two (2) hours or as often as may be deemed necessary.

  5. Disallow spectators and other forms of mass gathering.

Minimum Public Health Standards and Protocols for Cinemas and Movie Houses, Non-Contact Sports Courts Venues, Amusement Parks and Theme Parks, and Recreational Venues under the Pilot Implementation of Alert Levels System for COVID-19 Response