03 November 2018

Published also in Business Mirror

THE Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), through its Export Marketing Bureau (EMB), and in collaboration with the Philippine Exporters Confederation Inc. (Philexport) and the Export Development Council (EDC), is organizing various activities for the observance of the annual National Exporters’ Week (NEW) from December 1 to 7.

This year’s theme is “SPICE (Stimulate. Permeate. Innovate. Connect. Expand!) Up to Scale Up! Expand Exports for Inclusive Prosperity.”

“We are lining up exciting events for our stakeholders, especially during the conduct of the National Export Congress [NEC], the highlight of the weeklong observance of the NEW,” DTI-EMB Director Senen M. Perlada said.

With some 700 delegates, including exporters, business-support organizations, government agencies, private sector, and the academe, the NEC will be held on December 7, 2018, at the Philippine International Convention Center (PICC) in Pasay City.For the first time in NEC’s history, representatives from both public and private sectors can set up business-matching meetings and network at the congress’s Business Matching Hub. Here, delegates can have fruitful discussions about business growth and create collaborations to help strengthen the Philippine export industry.

In addition to the Business Matching Hub is the conduct of the 1st Logistics Services Philippines Exhibition, where exporters can gain access to the full range of logistics services from across the country and engage with LSPH providers that best fit their business.

Still another activity to watch out for is the conduct of the Export Enabler Exhibit, where exporters can get a chance to connect with various government agencies and business organizations to expand their current network and get the latest industry updates on regulations and market opportunities.

Every first week of December is declared as Exporters’ Week per Presidential Proclamation 931, Series of 1996 and House Resolution 33. This is the commitment of the government and the private sector in continuously working together to sustain export promotion and development.

Over the years, the annual celebration has progressed and turned into a significant national event of the country. Regional offices of the DTI, Philexport and the academe also celebrate the event with different activities in line with the year’s theme.

“This year the congress seeks to provide Philippine exporters a venue where they could discuss emerging trends, market opportunities, innovative ideas and technologies,” Perlada said.

The NEC itself will feature different topics: seizing market prospects, ease of doing business and innovative approaches for business sustainability, among others.

There will be a 2018 NEC Mobile App where participants can get the latest event updates. The NEC Mobile App will be available via App Store and Google Play soon.

Other activities for the NEW in Manila are the Usapang Exports 2018 Seminars with the following topics: Start-ups for Exporters (December 3, 2018); Export Opportunities: Learning from the Trade Attaches (December 4, 2018); and International Certification and Standards for Greater Market Access for GDH and Wearables Sectors (December 5, 2018).