High Compliance of TABS seen in the first week of implementation
Export Development Council (EDC)
April 19, 2016

?Operators of Manila?s container terminals said the first week of strict and full implementation of Terminal Appointment Booking System (TABS) showed compliance by users and growth in truck transactions.?

Manila International Container Terminal (MICT) commercial and risk management director, Christian Lozano, said that they are seeing an improvement in compliance on March 16 from 72% to 96% of the writing. No shows were down to only 4% for MICT.?

According to Manila South Harbor operator Asian Terminal Inc. (ATI), there is a 100% compliance at the port gates because of the strict application of the ?No TABS booking, no entry? rule.?

Aside from high compliance, there is also an increase in truck transactions on the first Sunday of full implementation of TABS.?

ATI said initial data showed truck transactions on March 20 ?increased by over 80% compared to previous Sundays of March? while MICT said that the number of import pullouts on March 20 was ?three times higher? compared to March 13 (Sunday). There was a high utilization last March 20 because of the rebate/ incentive TABS giving back to the users. There are still some issues with the system regarding the long lines and difficulty in entering the port as well as unfamiliarity with booking through TABS.?

Penalties for late arrivals (trucks that come two hours after their booked slot) is P1,625. No shows, or trucks that arrive three hours or more after their appointment, will be fined P3,251. The imposition of penalties has taken effect since April 1.?

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