By PhilExport News and Features

18 March 2019

Published also in Business Mirror

 FILIPINO exporters of food and beverage products to the US are advised to make proactive efforts now to update their product labeling to ensure compliance with the new US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) rules and facilitate the entry of their goods.

Finalized in May 2016, the new US FDA rules comprising formatting changes, updates to serving sizes, daily sizes, daily values and nutrient definitions will be effective on January 1, 2020, for large food businesses. Small businesses will have an additional year to comply.

Large food firms are those grossing at least $10 million in annual sales.

“Food labeling consists of several components. The earlier you begin, the more time you allot for the unexpected and improve the chance of avoiding a surplus of outdated labeling inventory,” said Vijey Ananda, senior regulatory advisor South East Asia at Registrar Corp.

Ananda said the mandated updates to daily values for certain nutrients, such as dietary fiber, will require food manufacturers to readjust certain daily values on their labels. They also need to account for the daily values of vitamin D and potassium, which will be new “The product may need to be reformulated with more fiber or the claim will need to be removed from the product labeling by the deadline,” Ananda said.

Food manufacturers are urged to have a registered regulatory specialist review their redesigned food labels before printing in compliance with new FDA requirement. Registrar Corp helps businesses comply with US FDA regulations.