The Department of Trade and Industry R2 Cagayan, in partnership with LGU and the Calayan Local Price Coordinating Council (LPCC), convened on 16 April 2024 at the Calayan Municipal Hall to address issues concerning price stability, supply chain management, and business regulation within the municipality.

Led by CTIDS Lourdito B. Antonio from the Consumer Protection Division, the LPCC meeting served as a platform for stakeholders to deliberate on pressing matters affecting the local economy. Participants engaged in strong discussions, exchanging insights and proposing strategies to enhance price stability, streamline supply chain management, and fortify business regulation frameworks within the municipality.

“In our pursuit of progress and prosperity for Calayan, our commitment lies in nurturing open dialogue and fostering collaborative efforts among stakeholders”, CTIDS Antonio remarked.

Looking ahead, LPCC members have pledged to translate the decisions and action points formulated during the gathering into tangible outcomes, effectively addressing immediate challenges while laying the groundwork for sustained prosperity in Calayan.

Additionally, CTIDS Antonio spearheaded visits to various stores in Calayan to check and monitor the prices of Basic Necessities and Prime Commodities (BNPCs). This concerted effort aims to prevent consumers from being unfairly charged for vital goods, safeguarding their interests and promoting equitable pricing practices within our community.

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Date of release: 08 May 2024