The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) R2 Isabela Provincial Office is taking steps to enhance the competitiveness index of cities and municipalities within the province across various areas, including Economic Dynamism, Government Efficiency, Infrastructure, Resiliency, and Innovation. As part of this endeavor, DTI R2 Isabela recently conducted a feedback session and conducted data analysis on the 2023 results of the Cities and Municipalities Competitiveness Index (CMCI) for LGU Delfin Albano and San Mateo.

During the feedback session, CMCI Provincial Focal Person Hainrich Kevin Unite provided an overview of all the pillars and emphasized the significance of accurate data in evaluating LGU performance. To facilitate the improvement of data accuracy and enhance the municipality’s ranking, each indicator per pillar was thoroughly discussed, with emphasis on potential data sources. Following this activity, the LGUs expressed optimism about their prospects of advancing in the rankings.

DTI R2 Isabela intends to replicate similar activities for other cities and municipalities in the forthcoming weeks, underscoring its commitment to assisting LGUs in enhancing their CMCI ranking and potentially earning recognition in the CMCI 2024 Awarding Ceremony. ♦

Date of release: 21 March 2024