Regional Director Ma. Sofia G. Narag, CESO V and Campus Executive Officer Engr. Roger P. Rumpon, representing the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Region 2 and Cagayan State University (CSU) Carig Campus, respectively, signed the Memorandum of Agreement during the launching of the “Project C.O.U.N.S.E.L.: Consumer Outreach for Unassisted Parties through a Network of Student Practitioners for Effective Legal Representation” on 29 August 2024 at the DTI R2 Negosyo Center, Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City.

With the institutionalization of Clinical Legal Education (CLE) through Circular No. 19 amending the Revised Rules of Court by including Rule 198-A, otherwise known as “The Student Practice Rule”, law students are allowed limited practice. Pivoting on this, DTI Region 2 seeks to partner with the Legal Aid Clinics of state universities/colleges or higher education institutions with Juris Doctor programs to assist indigent consumer complainants in the proceedings with the DTI.

The alliance has a two-pronged purpose:

1. Provide free legal assistance to indigent consumers to promote their welfare and protect their rights and interests

2. Provide an avenue for enhancing learning opportunities for law student practitioners.

This partnership with the CSU Legal Aid Center is the pioneer of Project C.O.U.N.S.E.L. across the region. Atty. Norman Clarence Lasam, Dean of the CSU College of Law; Atty. Cyrus I. Restauro, Chief of CPD-RO; Ms. Edelle C. Carranza, OIC Legal Officer of DTI Region 2; and Atty. Angie U. Gumaru, OIC Chief of CPD-Cagayan, were present during the ceremony.

Date of release: 30 August 2024