In a bold move to sustain Nueva Vizcaya’s impressive economic performance as the second fastest-growing province in the country, the Provincial Local Government Unit of Nueva Vizcaya led by Governor Jose V. Gambito, through the Provincial Cooperative and Enterprise Development Office (PROCEDE), conducted the Investment Promotions and Competitiveness Orientation in collaboration with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Region 2 Nueva Vizcaya and the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Nueva Vizcaya Provincial Office on 25 July 2024 at Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya.

This activity aimed to enhance the investment readiness and competitiveness of the Local Government Units by equipping them with the necessary knowledge and tools to attract and sustain investments. This initiative aligns with the collective goal of fostering economic growth and development in Nueva Vizcaya.

In her message, Vice Governor Eufemia Dacayo encouraged participants to embrace the three Is “Isa-isip, Isa-puso, at Isagawa”—to fully benefit from the discussions and activities.

PCAO Juditte Asuncion expressed the same sentiment as she discussed the importance of unity and cooperation in enhancing the investment and business climate of the province.

Meanwhile, DILG Program Manager Melania Seangoy pledged their agency’s full support to help LGUs enhance their competitiveness. She emphasized that this commitment not only aims to bolster the local government units but also to bring tangible benefits to their constituents, ultimately fostering broader community development.

“There’s no other way but up for Nueva Vizcaya,” DTI R2 NV Provincial Director Atty. Michael B. Paggabao said in his keynote message as he highlighted the goal to arm LGUs with the right tools and knowledge to not only attract investments but to also ensure that these investments translate into sustainable growth for Nueva Vizcaya. He also encouraged the leaders and representatives to take indexes, awards, and/or surveys such as the Cities and Municipalities Competitiveness Index (CMCI) seriously, as these can be powerful tools in identifying areas for improvement.

The orientation covered a range of critical topics, including:

– CMCI Performance of LGUs, discussed by DTI R2 NV CTIDS Lenore Lee S. Lopez;

– Local Investments and Incentives Code and the Local Economic and Investment Promotion Office, presented by DILG LGOO II Kesha Mae Humiwat;

– Ready for Occupancy Locations and Investment Priority Areas in Region 2, outlined by DTI R2 Supervising TIDS Randolph Cacacho;

– Investment Opportunities in Nueva Vizcaya, presented by PROCEDE Cooperative Development Specialist II Marvin Tucay;

– Infrastructure Development and Its Impact on Investment Attraction and Public-Private Partnerships, discussed by PPDO Planning Officer IV Catalina Acpal; and

– Seal of Good Local Governance, presented by Acting Provincial Administrator Jovito O. Celestino.

On behalf of the participants, Mayor Ronelio Danao emphasized that, in addition to technical know-how, there is a need for agencies to provide practical tools and personalized, one-on-one assistance to LGUs. This tailored support is crucial for ensuring the effective implementation of strategies and achieving meaningful, long-term results.

The event concluded with a networking session, providing an opportunity for local government officials and business leaders to forge new partnerships and discuss potential investment opportunities. This initiative marks a significant step in Nueva Vizcaya’s journey towards sustained economic excellence, ensuring that the province continues to shine as a beacon of growth and opportunity in the region and that a vibrant future awaits all its residents.

Posted on Facebook on July 26, 2024.