CV-LIMS Concept Framework

Region 02 is taking another leap towards economic and industrial development by strengthening existing convergent efforts and harmonizing government resources towards the same goal.

The Economic Development Committee, chaired by Hon. Carlos Padilla, Governor of Nueva Vizcaya, approved the Concept Framework of the Cagayan Valley-Local Industry Management Strategy (CV-LIMS) during its 4th Quarter Meeting held on 25 October 2018 at the Nueva Vizcaya Livelihood and Pasalubong Center in Bayombong.

The CV-LIMS is the response to an observation posed by the EDC Chair during the 1st Quarter EDC meeting that various agencies are implementing the same programs and projects. While there are existing platforms for inter-agency cooperation, Gov. Padilla asked, “How can these efforts be harmonized to avoid duplication of interventions in order to optimize the use of government funds”?

A Technical Working Group was convened by the NEDA-R02 to discuss a possible response to the challenge posed by the committee. The TWG was composed of key agencies such as DTI, DOST, DA, DENR, BFAR, DOT and PSA. The DTI-2 was tasked to draft the concept proposal which was later presented by Mr. Michael Paggabao, Senior Trade and Industry Development Specialist, to the EDC.

The proposal is highlighted by the creation of sub-committees for different areas: Production Improvement, Processing Enhancement, Market Development, Cluster Strengthening, Research and Development, Human Resource and Knowledge Management, Green Development and Good Governance. The sub-committees are led by identified key agencies and are tasked to ensure that there will be no overlapping of interventions for MSMEs.

Further, the CV-LIMS also expanded the coverage of priority industries in Region 02 from 7 to 14 which now include Coffee, Cacao, Banana, Pineapple, Mango, Citrus, Garlic, Onion, Mungbean, Vegetables, Fish and Fishery Products, Dairy, Bamboo, Wearables and Homestyle.

Agencies do implement programs, activities and projects based on their mandates. Through the proposed strategy, overlapping of interventions shall be avoided. “We hope that with the CV-LIMS, no two agencies will provide the same assistance to the same client anymore because the agencies will agree on the extent of interventions they will provide,” Mr. Paggabao said.♦

Date of release: 12 November 2018