In photo: Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Quezon Provincial Office represented by Chief Trade and Industry and Development Specialist, Anna Marie Quincina, together with Quezon Provincial Planning and Development Coordinator (QPPDC), Southern Luzon State University (SLSU), and Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator of Macalelon.

MACALELON, QUEZON — On April 25th, 2023, the first face-to-face coaching session and validation of CMCI data for LGU Macalelon were held between the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Quezon Provincial Planning and Development Coordinator (QPPDC), Southern Luzon State University (SLSU), and Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator of Macalelon to discuss CMCI data for Macalelon. The meeting started at 8:30 am and was attended by six people in total, including Chief Trade and Industry Specialist Ma’am Anna Marie V. Quincina, Trade and Industry Development Analyst Maria Angelica Holgado, Planning Development Officer II Emmanuel Querubin EnP, Project Evaluation Officer I Lay Ar Balisa, Assistant Professor I Jed Frank S. Marqueses, Planning Officer 1 of LGU Macalelon Emmanuel Jonsay, and Business Counselor Regin Jianwy D. Balane.

Mr. Jed Marqueses began by giving an overview of the CMCI data of Macalelon and its strengths and weaknesses in its 5 pillars (Economic Dynamism, Government Efficiency, Infrastructure, Resiliency and Innovation), followed by recommendations from the QPPDC, DTI, and Sir Jed Marqueses on the status of the competitive indexes of Macalelon. They also discussed a possible strategy that could increase the indexes of Macalelon.

During the discussion, several issues were raised, including concerns about the five pillars of competitiveness, especially Economic Dynamism. The teams also discussed the timeline for the resources needed.

After a lively and productive discussion, the teams agreed on a plan of action and assigned tasks to Planning Officer 1 Emmanuel Jonsay and Business Counselor Regin Jianwy D. Balane. The Chief Trade and Industry and Development Specialist, Ma’am Anna Marie Quincina, summarized the meeting and thanked everyone for their contributions. The meeting ended at 3:00 pm, with LGU Macalelon, DTI, QPPDC, and SLSU feeling confident and excited about the upcoming Validation of CMCI Data in Macalelon.

Date of Release: 11 May 2023