The Department of Trade and Industry Region VI (DTI VI) extends its heartfelt congratulations to the winners of the 2024 Regional Coffee Quality Competition, showcasing the excellence of coffee producers across Western Visayas.

Hosted at the esteemed Barista and Coffee Academy of Asia Coffee Laboratory in Iloilo, this competition which took place from April 8-10, 2024 was a demonstration of the dedication and passion of regional coffee producers.

This year, out of 17 entries from the provinces of Antique, Capiz, Iloilo, and Negros Occidental, 13 coffee bean entries were graded as Fine Robusta.

Rommel Cabistrante from Iloilo scored the highest with 86.81, closely followed by Marcial Eluzo, also from Iloilo, with 86.06 while entries from Negros took the 3rd to 6th spots. Among the top 13 overall performers, 7 hailed from Negros, 1 from Antique, and 5 from Iloilo.

The competition involved a rigorous evaluation process for Western Visayas’ Green Coffee Beans to uphold the highest standards of quality.

From Green Grading to Fine Graded Robusta Coffee, each stage was met with excellence and precision.

Only beans graded as fine with zero primary defects and no more than five secondary defects were eligible to advance to the Cupping Round.

These beans were then required to achieve a minimum score of 80 points on a 100-point scale during cupping to become the official entry/entries representing Western Visayas in the upcoming 2024 Philippine Coffee Quality Competition, scheduled for May 6-17, 2024.

The judging panel comprised esteemed Q-Graders and cuppers from the Filipino Coffee Institute.

“Western Visayas has once again proven its prowess in producing top-quality coffee beans,” stated DTI VI Officer-in-Charge Regional Director Rachel Nufable during the announcement of results via Zoom last April 14, 2024.

“We commend the dedication and commitment of our coffee producers, whose efforts continue to elevate the region’s reputation in the coffee industry,” she added.

OIC-RD Nufable conveyed her optimism for the continued participation of coffee farmers in the coming years.

This competition not only celebrates the excellence of Western Visayas’ coffee but also sets the stage for showcasing the finest coffee offerings from the region. ♦

Date of release: 26 April 2024