Accreditation of Repair Shop and Services


Department Administrative Order No. 2, s. 1994

Further amending certain provisions of Ministry Order No. 32, Series of 1985, as amended by Department Order No. 69 Series of 1993 (Rules and Regulations on the Accreditation of Service and Repair Enterprises

Date of Issuance – June 2, 1994

Department Administrative Order No. 3, s. 2006

Further amending certain provisions of Ministry Order No. 32, Series of 1985, as amended, particularly providing for Standard Classification for Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Service and Repair Enterprises

Date of Issuance – March 29, 2006

Department Administrative Order No. 4, s. 1995

Further amending certain provisions of Ministry Order No. 32, Series of 1985, as amended (Rules and Regulations on the Accreditation of Service and Repair Enterprises)

Date of Issuance – May 19, 1995

Department Order No. 69, s. 1993

Further amending certain provision of Ministry Order No. 32, Series of 1985, as amended (Rules and Regulations on the Accreditation of Service and Repair Enterprises

Department Administrative Order No. 6, s. 1988

In the interest of the service and pursuant to Section 1 of Department Administrative Order No. 1, Series of 1988, amending Rule X of Minsitry Order No. 32, Series of 1985, entitles “Rules and Regulations on the Accreditation of Enterprises, etc.” the following are herby appointed to the National Accreditation Committee of Services and Repair Enterprises

Department Administrative Order No. 1, s. 1988

Amending Rule X of Ministry Order No. 32, Series of 1985, entitled “Rules and Regulations on the Accreditation of Enterprises engaged in the Service and Repair of Motor Vehicles, Heavy Equipment, Engine and Engineering Works; Electronics, Electrical, Air conditioning and Refrigeration; Office Machines and Data Processing Equipment; Medical and Dental Equipment, and Other Consumer Mechanical and Industrial Equipment, Appliances or Devices, including the Technical Personnel employed therein”

Date of Issuance – February 10, 1988

Ministry Order No. 32, s. 1985

Rules and regulations on the accreditation of enterprises engaged in the service and repair of motor vehicles, heavy equipment, engine and engineering works; electronics, electrical,air conditioning and refrigeration; office machines and data processing equipment; medical and dental equipment, and other consumer mechanical and industrial equipment, alliances or devices, including the technical personnel employed therein