Elements of Offenses Provided Under Republic Act No. 11900, or the Vaporized Nicotine and Non-Nicotine Products Regulation Act

The Department of Trade and lndustry-Office for the Special Mandate on Vaporized Nicotine and Non-Nicotine Products, their Devices, and Novel Tobacco Products (OSMV), created under DTI Department Order No. 24-154, issues this Policy Advisory for the guidance of all concerned:

Date of issuance: 04 September 2024


Department Administrative Order No. 24-03, Series of 2024

Suspension of Online Selling of Vapor Products, Vapor Product Devices, and Vapor Product Systems on E-Market Places

Date of Issuance: July 16, 2024

Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Internet Transactions Act of 2023

The ITA IRR shall aid the effective implementation of Republic Act No. 11967, otherwise known as the Internet Transactions Act of 2023, and provide regulatory and developmental guidelines in fostering and maintaining a robust e-Commerce environment in the country by building trust between online merchants and online consumers.

Date of Issuance – May 24, 2024

Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 11981 or the Tatak Pinoy (Proudly Filipino) Act

The IRR provides a comprehensive framework to effectively implement the TP Act, propelling a new era of industrialization in the Philippines, and elevating Filipino excellence to new heights. It also clarifies the key terms and interventions enshrined in the law and provides clear guidelines on the roles and responsibilities of government agencies and industry partners for the working groups of each of the pillars: human resources, infrastructure, technology and innovation, investments, and sound financial management.

Date of Issuance – May 22, 2024

Executive Order No. 242-A

Modifying Executive Order No. 242 dated July 24, 1987, which amends Executive Order No. 133, series of 1987, entitled “Reorganizing Department of Trade and Industry, and for other purposes”

Date of Issuance- July 26, 1987

Executive Order No. 242

Amending Executive Order No. 133, series of 1987 entitled “Reorganizing the Department of Trade and Industry, its Attached Agencies, and for other purposes”

Date of Issuance – July 24, 1987

Executive Order No. 133 – DTI Law

Reorganizing the Department of Department of Trade and Industry, its Attached Agencies, and for other purposes

Date of Issuance – February 27, 1987

Executive Order No. 913

Strengthening the Rule-making and Adjudicatory Powers of the Minister of Trade and Industry in order to further protect consumers