DTI Advisory No. 21-06, s. 2021

DTI Advisory No. 21-06, s. 2021On the Implementation of Guidelines for Business Establishments and Activities Allowed to Operate Under Enhanced Community Quarantine Date of Issuance – March 28, 2021 Download Now!

Memorandum Circular No. 21-11, s. 2021

Memorandum Circular No. 21-11, s. 2021Implementation of Temporary Measures and Enhanced Compliance Monitoring to Address the Rising Number of COVID-19 Cases Date of Issuance – March 23, 2021 Download Now!

Memorandum Circular No. 21-08, s. 2021

Memorandum Circular No. 21-08, s. 2021Prescribing the Recategorization of Certain Business Activities from Category IV to Category III Date of Issuance – February 28, 2021 Download Now!

Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2021-001

Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2021-001Amended Guidelines Governing the Conduct of Essential Meetings and Social Events in Areas Under General Community Quarantine. Date of Issuance – February 20, 2021 Download Now!

Memorandum Circular No. 21-03, s. 2021

Memorandum Circular No. 21-03, s. 2021Grant of Grace Period on the Filing of Applications for Renewal of Accreditation of Service and Repair Enterprises Date of Issuance – January 13, 2021 Download Now!

DTI-DOLE-DOH Joint Administrative Order No. 2021-001

DTI-DOLE-DOH Joint Administrative Order No. 2021-001Health and Safety Protocols for the Conduct of Film and Audiovisual Production Shoots and Audiovisual Activities During COVID-19 Pandemic Date of Issuance – January 12, 2021 Download Now!

DOT-DTI JMC 20-003 s. 2020

DOT-DTI JMC 20-003 s. 2020Guidelines Governing the Conduct of Essential Work Meetings and Events in Areas Under General Community Quarantine Date of Issuance – December 29, 2020 Download Now!

Advisory No. 20-03, s. 2020

Advisory No. 20-03, s. 2020Implementation of the Requirements and Increase of Operational Capacity on Shuttle Services, and the Requirements on Contact Tracing Under DTI-DOLE Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2020-04-a, s. 2020 Date of Issuance – 1 December 2020 Download Now!

Memorandum Circular No. 20-59, series of 2020

Memorandum Circular No. 20-59, series of 2020Providing the Rules on Gym/Fitness Center and Sports Facility Royalty Fees and Membership Fees During the Period the Establishments Were Temporarily Not Allowed to Operate Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Date of Issuance – November 20, 2020 Download Now!