Region 10 Local Price Coordinating Council Toolkit

Region 10 Local Price Coordinating Council ToolkitThe LPCC Toolkit aims to consolidate and expound upon the relevant laws, rules and regulations, and other administrative issuances pertinent to the powers, functions, duties, and responsibilities of LPCCs and the implementing member agencies under RA 7581, as amended by RA 10623. Download Now!

DTI Region 7 OTOP eCatalog (2023)

DTI Region 7 OTOP eCatalog (2023)Unveil the diversity of Central Visayas! Explore the DTI Region 7 Central Visayas 2023 One Town, One Product (OTOP) eCatalog and discover a world of innovation, culture, and craftsmanship – empowering local MSMEs, one digital platform at a time. This annual OTOP eCatalog spotlights assisted MSMEs, recipients of DTI 7’s continue reading : DTI Region 7 OTOP eCatalog (2023)