Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Primer

Barangay Micro Business Enterprise PrimerA handout on the key features of Republic Act No. 9178, as amended by Republic Act No. 10644, or the BMBEs Act of 2002. Download Now!

Simulan Mong Magnegosyo

Simulan Mong MagnegosyoA handbook containing the must-knows in starting a business such as the rewards and risks of going into entrepreneurship and the small business process flow. Download Now!

Start Your Own Business

Start Your Own BusinessA handbook containing the must-knows in starting a business such as the rewards and risks of going into entrepreneurship and the small business process flow. Download Now!

ASEAN SME Academy Flyer

ASEAN SME Academy FlyerA brief catalogue of program information, trainings and courses offered by ASEAN SME Academy. Download Now!

Start an Online Business

Start an Online BusinessA handout consisting key information on doing and starting an online business. Download Now!