in photo: DTI 4-A Regional Director Marilou G. Quinco-Toledo, DTI-Laguna Provincial Director Clarke S. Nebrao and Honorable Loreto S. Amante, City Mayor of San Pablo together with the DTI 4A and San Pablo City Government Personnel

DTI 4-A, DTI-Laguna, City Government of San Pablo sign usufruct agreement for the establishment of DTI offices

San Pablo City, Laguna – The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Region 4A and DTI Laguna have entered into a Usufruct Agreement with the City Government of San Pablo for the use of a 6,500 square meter land for the development of the DTI 4A Regional Office and DTI Laguna Provincial Office. In a continue reading : DTI 4-A, DTI-Laguna, City Government of San Pablo sign usufruct agreement for the establishment of DTI offices